CFS2/FS2000 "Convair XFY-1 "Pogo"

FSDSv2 Model Redo,Convair_XFY1_Pogo1.air file, Aircaft.config, Panel, Textures, Object_dp, scenedb by Jim Jacobson: Released as freeware-January 2004.

Original FSDS Model by JEAN AIME MORLA

Aircraft Installation:

1. Unzip the to a temporary folder.

2. Copy and paste the \Combat Flight Simulator 2\Aircraft\Convair_XFY1_Pogo1 folder to your \Combat Flight Simulator 2\Aircraft folder.
3. Copy and paste the contents of \Combat Flight Simulator 2\Gauges folderr to your C:\Combat Flight Simulator 2\Gauge folder. CFS2 users dont over write the default gauges ... those are included for FS2000 users. Just say No to overwrite.

4. I didn't include a sound file to to size limitations. I copy and paste the stock P38 lighting sound folder into my \Combat Flight Simulator 2\Aircraft\Convair_XFY1_Pogo1 folder.
Use the sound you prefer for a twin engine turbo prop.

Weapons Installation:

1. Copy and past the contents of \Combat Flight Simulator 2\OBJECTS_DP to your \Combat Flight Simulator 2\OBJECTS_DP.

2. Copy and past the contents of \Combat Flight Simulator 2\scenedb\weapons\scenery to your \Combat Flight Simulator 2\scenedb\weapons\scenery folder.

Flight Operation

Take off

For this demonstration I use a 70% fuel load with no ammo or external load out. Parameters vary as you change the weight of aircraft. Also, this is a description based on a dead start
from land. Carrier operations provide a quiker take off configuration due to intial speed of the ship.

1. You will enter with gear down (XFY-1 at a -50 degree pitch up from horizontal). Set Flaps to full by tapping the "F" Key. This will set the XFY-1 in the Vertical take off postion (-90 degree pitch up from horizontal).

(Note: I prefer to fly from the 2D cockit (Always forward view) and then a small spot plane view in the corner with the view looking a the side of the plane. I monitor the planes rotation with the spot plane view)

2. HIt "E" Key or Start engines as you would normally. Lock brakes by hitting the shift-B key combination, and intiatate the power lift by setting the spoiler or "D" key.

(Note: the "D" key acts as a power booster or super lift. It is best used at low speeds (0-50knots) to correct rate of desent or assent, soften a landing, to maintian a low speed hover, or for emerency lift in a stall out.)

4.Once you have been given the "Engine Sequence Start up Complete", release the brakes by hitting the "B" key, and apply power to 50% to 60% throttle setting. (For a quicker take off use a higher throttle setting)

5.You should attain lift at about 35 to 40 knots. The plane will start to pitch counter clockwise and lift at the same time. Almost immediately,as the plane rises, use the "V" key to release flaps to 75% and maintain a clockwise pitch to the plane and a forward motion to the ascent. At about 45-50 knots repeat using the "V" key and go to the 50% flap setting.

6. Somewhere, between 75% and 50% Flaps and/or 45 to 55 knots try relasing the "D" key.

7. At between 50% and 25% flap setting, Hit the "G" key to transition from mostly Vertical to near horizontal configuration.

8. 70 knots to 75 knots you can drop the last flap settng and go to level flight.

This is just one combination of events. The variations are numerous, so trial and error and personal preferences will govern how you attain horizontal flight.


1. Approach to airfield or carrier should be around 130 to 110 knots. Use the first flap setting 0% to 25% as a speed brake. Tap on and off untill you reach aproach speed. I use a landing throttle of about 20 to 30% once approach speed is attained.

2. Use hard forward joystick to counter pitch as you increase flap settings. At between 25% and 50% flaps hit the gear "G" key to rotate to more vertical (and get your theoritical gear set). The quicker you start setting flaps the shorter your landing.

Note: at between 50% and 75% flaps your forward motion decreased drastically, so you need to be near landing zone when you are in this range. Else, your in for a long hover.

3. At 100% flaps your in a almost vertical decent. Use the "D" as a power boost by tapping on and off to soften landing.

Again, the unique feature of this aircraft is is VTOL (Vertical Take OFF and Landing) capabilities. The zone between vertical and horizontal flight (Hover) is the cool part of the aircraft and where I've been playing around.

Top speed with my flight model (xxx.air file) is only about 275 to 325 knost. I think the real Convair XFY-1 Pogo could attain higher speeds. But, variables to get it to work in CFS2
presented a trade off between VTOL and high horizontal speed.

Virtual Cockpit is fun to sit in at take off, but I dont know how the real pilot did it?????

Thats it... have fun.....